Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Water Elephants
Sara Gruen

Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen is a boy meet girl story. How ever the setting is unique and the descrip­tions of early American circus scenes are well worth the admission price.

464 pages
Pub lisher: Algo nquin Books
ISBN: 9781616200718

"Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen is simple to read, an interesting story with engaging characters

Even though this novel is not perfect and a standard "boy meets girl" story it does have a charming setting, the descriptions are colorful and the characters are a variety of misfits; but some how it all works and comes together very nicely for an entertaining read.

While the book has its ups and downs, the narrative seems hurried at some points, the plot contains drama galore (stampedes, murders and many fights) Ms. Gruen's man aged to take an outrageous premise, com­bined with romanticism and make it enjoyable. There are pictures of real American circus scenes from the first half of the century peppered through out the book which really hit home and actually helped visualize the narrative and the bizarre sub culture which is presented.

Granted, the book is not going to be put on a shrine of the schol arly lit er ary Olym pus, but to me this book felt as if I was read ing a fairy tale — and I tremen dously enjoyed it.

Jacob Jankowski's parents have been killed in a car accident and he decides to leave his veterinary studies in Cornell and aimlessly climbs on a train carrying Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. When the circus' owner Uncle Al and strong man August Rosen bluth dis cover that his stowaway is a test away from being a certified veterinarian he is hired on the spot.

Jacob soon discovers Mrs. Marlena Rosen bluth, a beautiful horse enter tainer and animal lover. Riding around the nation, buying bankrupted shows, the circus gets Rosie, an elephant who is stubborn and uncooperative. Jacob and Marlena can not stand the acts of cruelty in the circus and decide to take a stand.

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